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Puppy Starting and Finishing

Puppy starters and finishers have the responsibilities of raising a future guide dog puppy for a shorter time period. Puppy starters receive an 8-12 week old puppy and raise them for a few months until they are approximately 6 months old or so, where they will then move to a finishing home. Finishers receive a dog that has been started by another raiser (exact age depends on dog, but typically 6+ months old).


Puppy starting/finishing is a great option for people who cannot commit to the full year of puppy raising, such as people who will be studying abroad for a semester or who live on campus and cannot have a puppy until they are older than 6 months old. 



Puppy starters and finishers are only financially responsible for dog food and toys; all other supplies and vet care are covered by the foundation. A full list of supplies provided is available on the puppy raising page.



Please start by filling out the application linked above. Just make sure to select the box that says "Puppy Raiser"! You can specify in the "comments/notes" box that you are interested in starting or finishing a puppy. 


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